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Megújuló energia

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a teljes energiaterm.
Össz. megújuló
és hulladék
 Afganisztán Afghanistan|Afghanistan]] 2016 1070.9 1035.3 0.1 35.5 [1]
 Albánia Albania|Albania]] 2016 100% 7,782 7783.9 7782 1.9 [1][2]
 Algéria Algeria|Algeria]] 2016 0.6% 70,997 430.5 72 19.4 339.1 [1][3]
 Angola Angola|Angola]] 2016 70.3% 10,361 7282.3 7109 155 18.3 [1][4]
 Anguilla Anguilla|Anguilla]] 2016 2.4 2.4 [1]
 Antigua és Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda|Antigua and Barbuda]] 2016 5.5 5.5 [1]
 Argentína Argentina|Argentina]] 2016 21.5% 147,220 31700.3 30134.8 554.1 1820.4 14.5 [1][5]
 Örményország Armenia|Armenia]] 2016 32.2% 7,315 2354.2 2351.2 1.8 1.2 [1][6]
 Aruba Aruba|Aruba]] 2016 148.5 130.3 8.9 9.2 [1]
 Ausztrália Australia|Australia]] 2016 14.5% 256,563 37205 15318 12199 3722 6209 1 [1][7]
 Ausztria Austria|Austria]] 2016 74.3% 68,351 50772 42919 5235 4603 1096 [1][8]
 Azerbajdzsán Azerbaijan|Azerbaijan]] 2016 8.8% 24,953 2191.8 1959.3 22.8 174.5 35.3 [1][9]
 Bahama-szigetek Bahamas|Bahamas]] 2016 1.9 1.9 [1]
 Bahrein Bahrain|Bahrain]] 2016 0.0% 28,510 9.5 1.2 8.3 [1][10]
 Banglades Bangladesh|Bangladesh]] 2016 1.8% 64,327 1183 946 5.1 7.7 224.3 [1][11]
 Barbados Barbados|Barbados]] 2016 29.6 0.1 29.5 [1]
 Fehéroroszország Belarus|Belarus]] 2016 1.2% 33,566 392 141.9 74.8 147.2 28.1 [1][12]
 Belgium Belgium|Belgium]] 2016 16.6% 85,520 14168 1489 5436 5276 3086 [1][13]
 Belize Belize|Belize]] 2016 383.1 260.5 117.4 5.3 [1]
 Benin Benin|Benin]] 2016 3.2% 355 11.2 1 10.2 [1][14]
 Hollandia BES Islands|BES Islands]] 2016 38.2 35.1 3.1 [1]
 Bhután Bhutan|Bhutan]] 2016 7961.5 7959 1.8 0.7 [1]
 Bolívia Bolivia|Bolivia]] 2016 20.6% 9,409 1936.6 1719.8 34.9 176.2 5.7 [1][15]
 Bosznia-Hercegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia and Herzegovina]] 2016 31.5% 17,767 5590.8 5586.5 0.8 36.1 13.4 [1][16]
 Botswana Botswana|Botswana]] 2016 0.2% 2,688 4.3 4.3 [1][17]
 Brit Virgin-szigetek British Virgin Islands|British Virgin Islands]] 2016 1.6 1.3 0.3 [1]
 Brazília Brazil|Brazil]] 2016 80.4% 578,889 465579.2 380910.9 33489.1 51040.2 138.8 [1][18]
 Brunei Brunei|Brunei]] 2016 0.0% 4,270 1.1 1.1 [1][19]
 Bulgária Bulgaria|Bulgaria]] 2016 15.7% 45,277 7106 4568 1425 353 1386 [1][20]
 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso|Burkina Faso]] 2016 157.1 139.5 2.3 15.3 [1]
 Burundi Burundi|Burundi]] 2016 284 271.9 6.6 5.4 [1]
 Zöld-foki Köztársaság Cabo Verde|Cabo Verde]] 2016 74.7 69.1 5.6 [1]
 Kambodzsa Cambodia|Cambodia]] 2016 47.2% 5,594 2641.2 2568 0.3 48.3 24.7 [1][21]
 Kamerun Cameroon|Cameroon]] 2016 52.4% 8,367 4385 4372.7 12.4 [1][22]
 Kanada Canada|Canada]] 2016 65.0% 667,438 433597 387208 30766 12685 3031 [1][23]
 Közép-afrikai Köztársaság Central African Republic|Central African Republic]] 2016 171.7 171.3 0.4 [1]
 Csád Chad|Chad]] 2016 9.2 8.9 0.3 [1]
 Chile Chile|Chile]] 2016 43.3% 79,308 34319 23274 2449 5957 2639 [1][24]
 Kína China|China]] 2016 24.5% 6,217,907 1522585.6 1193370 242387.7 49403.8 67874.1 143.5 [1][25]
 Kolumbia Colombia|Colombia]] 2016 62.9% 76,904 48338.9 46787.9 50.9 1419.9 80.2 [1][26]
 Comore-szigetek Comoros|Comoros]] 2016 5 5 [1]
 Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság Democratic Republic of the Congo|Democratic Republic of the Congo]] 2016 100% 9,135 9223.9 9220.8 3.2 [1][27]
 Kongói Köztársaság Republic of the Congo|Republic of the Congo]] 2016 66.4% 1,753 1164.3 1163.7 0.6 [1][28]
 Cook-szigetek Cook Islands|Cook Islands]] 2016 4.3 4.3 [1]
 Costa Rica Costa Rica|Costa Rica]] 2016 97.7% 10,881 10629.6 8025.9 1147.3 84.1 32.8 1339.5 [1][29]
 Elefántcsontpart Ivory Coast 2016 15.0% 10,253 1534.2 1529.1 5.1 [1][30]
 Horvátország Croatia|Croatia]] 2016 65.2% 12,820 8364 7058 1014 431 66 [1][31]
 Kuba Cuba|Cuba]] 2016 4.5% 20,458 914.5 64.2 20.9 686.3 143 [1][32]
 Curacao Curacao|Curacao]] 2016 25.9% 884 229.1 200 29.1 [1][33]
 Ciprus Cyprus|Cyprus]] 2016 8.7% 4,887 424 226 52 146 [1][34]
 Csehország the Czech Republic|Czechia]] 2016 9384 3202 497 4756 2131 [1]
 Dánia Denmark|Denmark]] 2016 60.5% 30,522 18451.1 19 12771.1 4917 744 [1][35]
 Dzsibuti Djibouti|Djibouti]] 2016 0.5 0.5 [1]
 Dominikai Közösség Dominica|Dominica]] 2016 37.3 36.4 0.6 0.4 [1]
 Dominikai Köztársaság the Dominican Republic|Dominican Republic]] 2016 10.4% 19,414 2020.8 1518.8 322.8 104.6 74.6 [1][36]
 Ecuador Ecuador|Ecuador]] 2016 60.2% 27,314 16445.4 15833.8 84 489.5 38.2 [1][37]
 Egyiptom Egypt|Egypt]] 2016 8.2% 194,327 16022.8 13545 2058 315.2 104.6 [1][38]
 El Salvador El Salvador|El Salvador]] 2016 60.7% 5,984 3632.5 1342.6 634.6 79.8 1575.5 [1][39]
 Egyenlítői-Guinea Equatorial Guinea|Equatorial Guinea]] 2016 127 127 [1]
 Eritrea Eritrea|Eritrea]] 2016 0.8% 421 3.3 2 1.3 [1][40]
 Észtország Estonia|Estonia]] 2016 12.5% 12,176 1524.1 35 594 885 10.1 [1][41]
 Szváziföld Eswatini|Eswatini (Swaziland)]] 2016 463.7 126.7 335.7 1.3 [1]
 Etiópia Ethiopia|Ethiopia]] 2016 93.6% 11,226 10509.1 9674 786 28.2 20.8 [1][42]
 Falkland-szigetek the Falkland Islands|Falkland Islands]] 2016 9.3 9.2 0.1 [1]
 Feröer Faroe Islands|Faroe Islands]] 2016 158.5 106.3 52.1 [1]
 Fidzsi-szigetek Fiji|Fiji]] 2016 571.7 499.2 3.6 63.6 5.3 [1]
 Finnország Finland|Finland]] 2016 44.2% 68,752 30407 15799 3068 11523 17 [1][43]
 Francia Guyana French Guiana|French Guiana]] 2016 509 443 12 54 [1]
 Francia Polinézia French Polynesia|French Polynesia]] 2016 224.2 187 0.3 36.9 [1]
 Franciaország France|France]] 2016 17.5% 556,184 97242 64889 21400 7134 8160 4 [1][44]
 Gabon Gabon|Gabon]] 2016 68.4% 2,336 1597.9 1596 1.9 [1][45]
 Gambia Gambia|Gambia]] 2016 3.6 0.1 3.5 [1]
 Grúzia Georgia|Georgia]] 2016 80.7% 11,574 9338.2 9329.2 9 [1][46]
 Németország Germany|Germany]] 2016 29.0% 649,119 188342 26135 78598 50924 38098 175 [1][47]
 Ghána Ghana|Ghana]] 2016 42.9% 13,023 5593.2 5561 0.3 31 [1][48]
 Görögország Greece|Greece]] 2016 27.4% 54,438 14893 5565 5146 274 3930 [1][49]
 Grönland Greenland|Greenland]] 2016 400.9 400.9 [1]
 Grenada Grenada|Grenada]] 2016 2.3 2.3 [1]
 Guadeloupe Guadeloupe|Guadeloupe]] 2016 315.1 34.1 53.3 49.8 93.8 84.1 [1]
 Guam Guam|Guam]] 2016 66.8 0.4 66.3 [1]
 Guatemala Guatemala|Guatemala]] 2016 51.7% 12,450 6434.7 3951.3 215.1 1778 201.3 289.1 [1][50]
 Guinea Guinea|Guinea]] 2016 397.9 395.3 2.6 [1]
 Bissau-Guinea Guinea Bissau|Guinea Bissau]] 2016 3.5 3.5 [1]
 Guyana Guyana|Guyana]] 2016 50.3 0.1 40.2 10 [1]
 Haiti Haiti|Haiti]] 2016 19.2% 1,084 208.3 207 1.3 [1][51]
 Honduras Honduras|Honduras]] 2016 50.1% 8,783 4403.9 2353.6 582.9 575.7 891.7 [1][52]
 Magyarország Hungary|Hungary]] 2016 10.1% 31,859 3215 259 684 2071 201 [1][53]
 Izland Iceland|Iceland]] 2016 100.0% 18,550 18547 13470 9 5068 [1][54]
 India India|India]] 2018 16.88% 1,550,564 261790 143743 62036 16325 39268 For fiscal year 2018-19[55][56][57]
 Indonézia Indonesia|Indonesia]] 2016 15.9% 248,613 39509.1 19409.8 5.7 9364.2 73.4 10656 [1][58]
 Irán Iran IR|Iran]] 2016 5.8% 289,094 16710.1 16419 264.3 21.8 5 [1][59]
 Irak Iraq|Iraq]] 2016 6.4% 80,030 5144.7 5087.3 57.3 [1][60]
 Írország the Republic of Ireland|Ireland]] 2016 24.7% 30,418 7515 973 6149 681 4 [1][61]
 Izrael Israel|Israel]] 2016 2.5% 66,976 1656.3 23.1 64.4 170.7 1398.1 [1][62]
 Olaszország Italy|Italy]] 2016 37.3% 289,768 108035.7 44257 17689 19509 22116.5 6289 [1][63]
 Jamaica Jamaica|Jamaica]] 2016 8.2% 4,230 345.2 118.7 190 23.5 13 [1][64]
 Japán Japan|Japan]] 2016 15.0% 1,057,976 158822 85083 9612 16847 50952 2509 [1][65]
 Jordánia Jordan|Jordan]] 2016 4.9% 19,731 959 41.6 390.7 6.5 520.2 [1][66]
 Kazahsztán Kazakhstan|Kazakhstan]] 2016 11.3% 106,627 12013.2 11620.8 262 43.6 86.8 [1][67]
 Kenya Kenya|Kenya]] 2016 90.7% 9,752 8843.3 3797.5 57.1 193.9 37.2 4757.5 [1][68]
 Kiribati Kiribati|Kiribati]] 2016 4.8 4.8 [1]
 Észak-Korea North Korea|Korea DPR]] 2016 75.7% 16,926 12814.9 12800 1.1 13.9 [1][69]
 Dél-Korea South Korea|Korea Rep]] 2016 2.8% 562,603 15930 6634 1683 5781 5123 [1][70]
 Koszovó Kosovo|Kosovo]] 2016 4.3% 5,981 257 245 3.3 8.7 [1][71]
 Kuvait Kuwait|Kuwait]] 2016 0.1% 70,094 66.3 17.5 48.8 [1][72]
 Kirgizisztán Kyrgyzstan|Kyrgyzstan]] 2016 86.7% 13,262 11497.8 11497.8 [1][73]
 Laosz Laos|Laos]] 2016 53.1% 33,822 17952.4 17945.6 4.4 2.3 [1][74]
 Lettország Latvia|Latvia]] 2016 54.2% 6,425 3481.6 2530 128 823 0.6 [1][75]
 Libanon Lebanon|Lebanon]] 2016 2.8% 18,690 523.6 480 6 10 27.6 [1][76]
 Lesotho Lesotho|Lesotho]] 2016 508.5 507.7 0.8 [1]
 Libéria Liberia|Liberia]] 2016 21 21 [1]
 Líbia Libya|Libya]] 2016 0.0% 36,430 7.8 7.8 [1][77]
 Litvánia Lithuania|Lithuania]] 2016 49.4% 4,226 2088 1044 1136 432 66 [1][78]
 Luxemburg Luxembourg|Luxembourg]] 2016 20.8% 2,196 455.7 1528 101 139.7 100 [1][79]
 Észak-Macedónia North Macedonia|North Macedonia]] 2016 36.7% 5,629 2066 1897 109 36 24 [1][80]
 Madagaszkár Madagascar|Madagascar]] 2016 905.8 886.5 0.5 0.6 18.2 [1]
 Malawi Malawi|Malawi]] 2016 1471.8 1404 49.8 18 [1]
 Malajzia Malaysia|Malaysia]] 2016 13.7% 156,660 21491.4 20342 917 232.4 [1][81]
 Maldív-szigetek Maldives|Maldives]] 2016 11.6 1.5 10.1 [1]
 Mali Mali|Mali]] 2016 1111.6 1102.4 9.2 [1]
 Málta Malta|Malta]] 2016 15.6% 856 133.4 0.4 8 125 [1][82]
 Marshall-szigetek Marshall Islands|Marshall Islands]] 2016 2.2 2.2 [1]
 Martinique Martinique|Martinique]] 2016 111.9 1.3 28.6 82 [1]
 Mauritánia Mauritania|Mauritania]] 2016 343.8 182.9 104.3 56.6 [1]
 Mauritius Mauritius|Mauritius]] 2016 21.8% 3,042 663.5 99.5 18 515.7 30.3 [1][83]
 Mayotte Mayotte|Mayotte]] 2016 14.8 14.8 [1]
 Mexikó Mexico|Mexico]] 2016 15.3% 320,353 48937 30698 10378 1461 252 6148 [1][84]
 Mikronézia Micronesia|Micronesia]] 2016 1.8 1.8 [1]
 Moldova Moldova|Moldova]] 2016 5.3% 5,827 308.7 290 2.5 14.2 1.9 [1][85]
 Mongólia Mongolia|Mongolia]] 2016 3.9% 5,667 223.1 61 153.6 8.5 [1][86]
 Montenegró Montenegro|Montenegro]] 2016 58.8% 3,141 1847.1 1843 4.1 [1][87]
 Marokkó Morocco|Morocco]] 2016 14.8% 32,141 4757 1662.2 3015.2 12.6 473.4 [1][88]
 Mozambik Mozambique|Mozambique]] 2016 83.7% 18,732 15682.6 15610.6 55.2 16.8 [1][89]
Myanmar Myanmar|Myanmar]] 2016 52.8% 17,867 9436.5 9400 36.5 [1][90]
 Namíbia Namibia|Namibia]] 2016 99.3% 1,421 1410.9 1359 0.1 0.2 51.6 [1][91]
 Nauru Nauru|Nauru]] 2016 0.2 0.2 [1]
 Nepál Nepal|Nepal]] 2016 65.5% 4,244 2777.7 2734.5 0.1 43 [1][92]
 Hollandia the Netherlands|Netherlands]] 2016 12.1% 115,170 13943 100 8170 4113 1560 [1][93]
 Új-Kaledónia New Caledonia|New Caledonia]] 2016 288.9 231.8 45.1 0.6 11.4 [1]
 Új-Zéland New Zealand|New Zealand]] 2016 83.9% 43,033 36118 25730 2303 608 52 7425 [1][94]
 Nicaragua Nicaragua|Nicaragua]] 2016 53.3% 4,590 2444.8 426.7 729 533.2 26.8 729 [1][95]
 Niger Niger|Niger]] 2016 2.5% 526 13.1 13.1 [1][96]
 Nigéria Nigeria|Nigeria]] 2016 18.6% 30,897 5750 5721.2 3 25.8 [1][97]
 Norvégia Norway|Norway]] 2016 97.2% 149,630 145378.9 144005 2116 233 23.8 [1][98]
 Omán Oman|Oman]] 2016 0.0% 34,210 3.7 3.7 [1][99]
 Pakisztán Pakistan|Pakistan]] 2016 32.7% 114,003 37248.7 34366 786.3 1506.1 590.4 [1][100]
 Palau Palau|Palau]] 2016 1.7 1.7 [1]
 Palesztina Palestine|Palestine]] 2016 42.5 42.5 [1]
 Panama Panama|Panama]] 2016 66.6% 10,886 7255.1 6522.5 625.2 30.9 76.5 [1][101]
 Pápua Új-Guinea Papua New Guinea|Papua New Guinea]] 2016 1288.9 876.6 11 1.3 400 [1]
 Paraguay Paraguay|Paraguay]] 2016 100% 63,771 63902.3 63770.2 132.1 [1][102]
 Peru Peru|Peru]] 2016 50.1% 51,923 26030.1 24171.7 1063.8 493.5 301.1 [1][103]
 Fülöp-szigetek Philippines|Philippines]] 2016 24.3% 90,797 22030.5 8833 975 777.5 1097 11070 [1][104]
 Lengyelország Poland|Poland]] 2016 13.7% 166,635 22807 2622 12588 7955 124 [1][105]
 Portugália Portugal|Portugal]] 2016 53.5% 60,280 32262 16909 12474 3071 822 172 [1][106]
 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico|Puerto Rico]] 2016 388.9 71 193 7 117.9 [1]
 Katar Qatar|Qatar]] 2016 0.3% 42,307 123.2 114.8 8.4 [1][107]
 Réunion Reunion|Reunion]] 2016 1003.7 464.5 18.5 261.2 259.5 [1]
 Románia Romania|Romania]] 2016 41.4% 65,103 26969.1 18536 6590 531 1820 0.1 [1][108]
 Oroszország Russia|Russia]] 2016 16.9% 1,090,973 184171.6 185668 6 32 79.3 414 [1][109]
 Ruanda Rwanda|Rwanda]] 2016 342.1 324.6 1.9 15.7 [1]
 Szamoa Samoa|Samoa]] 2016 50 37.9 1.5 10.6 [1]
 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe|Sao Tome & Principe]] 2016 6 5.9 0.1 [1]
 Szaúd-Arábia Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia]] 2016 0.0% 344,809 129.2 129.2 [1][110]
 Szenegál Senegal|Senegal]] 2016 10.4% 4,457 461.4 359.4 15.1 86.9 [1][111]
 Szerbia Serbia|Serbia]] 2016 27.6% 39,342 10865 11520 26 35 12 [1][112]
 Seychelle-szigetek Seychelles|Seychelles]] 2016 9.9 7 2.9 [1]
 Sierra Leone Sierra Leone|Sierra Leone]] 2016 220.4 219.9 0.4 [1]
 Szingapúr Singapore|Singapore]] 2016 1.6% 51,667 824.3 671.7 152.6 [1][113]
 Szlovákia Slovakia|Slovakia]] 2016 24.5% 27,064 6629 4606 6 1731 533 [1][114]
 Szlovénia Slovenia|Slovenia]] 2016 30.6% 16,500 5057 4782 6 281 267 [1][115]
 Salamon-szigetek Solomon Islands|Solomon Islands]] 2016 3.6 0.8 2.8 [1]
 Szomália Somalia|Somalia]] 2016 8.6 4.9 3.7 [1]
 Dél-afrikai Köztársaság South Africa|South Africa]] 2016 3.2% 252,747 8074 3892.5 3697.7 437.3 3340.5 [1][116]
 Dél-Szudán South Sudan|South Sudan]] 2016 0.1% 439 0.6 0.6 [1][117]
 Spanyolország Spain|Spain]] 2016 38.1% 274,779 104639.3 39865 48906 5689 13649 [1][118]
 Srí Lanka Sri Lanka|Sri Lanka]] 2016 27.7% 14,284 3949.9 3506.8 346 37.9 59.3 [1][119]
 Saint Kitts és Nevis St Kitts and Nevis|St Kitts and Nevis]] 2016 10.7 7.6 3.1 [1]
 Saint Lucia St Lucia|St Lucia]] 2016 1.3 1.3 [1]
 Hollandia St Maarten|St Maarten]] 2016 [1]
 Saint Martin St Martin|St Martin]] 2016 2.6 2.6 [1]
 Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek St Vincent and the Grenadines|St Vincent & the Grenadines]] 2016 26.6 24.7 1.9 [1]
 Szudán Sudan|Sudan]] 2016 56.7% 14,429 8182 8051 110.5 20.5 [1][120]
 Suriname Suriname|Suriname]] 2016 58.3% 2,022 1178.7 1163.5 6.5 8.8 [1][121]
 Svédország Sweden|Sweden]] 2016 57.1% 156,010 89127.1 62137 15479 11487 143 [1][122]
 Svájc Switzerland|Switzerland]] 2016 59.8% 63,175 37809 36689 109 1743 1333 [1][123]
 Szíria Syria|Syria]] 2016 5.3% 18,112 963.5 929 1.1 33.5 [1][124]
 Tádzsikisztán Tajikistan|Tajikistan]] 2016 97.5% 17,232 16800 16800 [1][125]
 Tanzánia Tanzania|Tanzania]] 2016 37.1% 6,998 2597.5 2444.1 135.2 18.2 [1][126]
 Tajvan Taiwan|Taiwan]] 2016 4.2% 264,136 10973.1 9855.7 1457.1 1822.6 1132.2 [1][127]
 Thaiföld Thailand|Thailand]] 2016 13.1% 191,321 25046.9 4127.8 345 17672.6 3377 1.3 [1][128]
 Timor Leste Timor Leste|Timor Leste]] 2016 2.3 1.5 0.8 [1]
 Togo Togo|Togo]] 2016 73.1% 232 169.6 165.1 4.4 [1][129]
Tokelau Tokelau|Tokelau]] 2016 1.3 1.3 [1]
 Tonga Tonga|Tonga]] 2016 4.5 0 4.5 [1]
 Trinidad és Tobago Trinidad and Tobago|Trinidad and Tobago]] 2016 0.0% 10,712 4 4 [1][130]
 Tunézia Tunisia|Tunisia]] 2016 3.0% 19,808 589 45 474 70 [1][131]
 Törökország Turkey|Turkey]] 2016 32.9% 274,408 90248.1 67231 15517 1635 1046.1 4819 [1][132]
 Türkmenisztán Turkmenistan|Turkmenistan]] 2016 0.0% 22,534 [1][133]
 Tuvalu Tuvalu|Tuvalu]] 2016 2.8 2.8 [1]
 Uganda Uganda|Uganda]] 2016 3594.3 3304.5 252 37.8 [1]
 Ukrajna Ukraine|Ukraine]] 2016 5.6% 164,573 9285.1 9304 954 169.1 491 [1][134]
 Egyesült Arab Emírségek United Arab Emirates|United Arab Emirates]] 2016 0.3% 129,956 337.3 6 331.3 [1][135]
 UK the United Kingdom|United Kingdom]] 2016 27.9% 356,021 99,330 5,928 50,004 31,869 11,525 - 4 [136]
 USA the United States|United States]] 2016 14.7% 4,322,038 637076 292113 229471 69017 50334 18584 [1][137]
 Amerikai Virgin-szigetek US Virgin Islands|US Virgin Islands]] 2016 29.5 29.5 [1]
 Uruguay Uruguay|Uruguay]] 2016 96.5% 13,238 12,795 7842.2 2994.3 2432.7 153.1 [1][138]
 Üzbegisztán Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan]] 2016 25.6% 58,319 14901.2 14896.4 4.8 [1][139]
 Vanuatu Vanuatu|Vanuatu]] 2016 29.9 7.6 5 11.9 5.4 [1]
 Venezuela Venezuela|Venezuela]] 2016 67.6% 112,577 76098.7 76003.5 88.3 6.9 [1][140]
 Vietnám Vietnam|Vietnam]] 2016 38.6% 164,832 63654 63105.1 209.8 332 7 [1][141]
 Jemen Yemen|Yemen]] 2016 10.9% 5,045 549 549 [1][142]
 Zambia Zambia|Zambia]] 2016 95.0% 11,695 11107.8 11026.6 76 5.2 [1][143]
 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe|Zimbabwe]] 2016 51.9% 7,055 3658.4 3550.9 95.3 12.2 [1][144]
  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  2. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  3. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  4. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  5. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  6. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  7. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  8. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  9. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  10. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  11. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  12. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  13. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  14. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  15. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  16. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  17. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  18. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  19. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  20. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  21. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  22. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  23. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  24. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  25. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  26. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  27. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  28. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  29. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  30. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  31. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  32. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  33. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  34. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  35. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  36. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  37. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  38. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  39. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  40. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  41. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  42. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  43. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  44. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  45. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  46. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  47. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  48. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  49. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  50. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  51. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  52. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  53. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  54. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  55. Monthly electricity generation. CEA. (Hozzáférés: 2019. április 17.)
  56. Summary of All India Provisional Renewable Energy Generation. CEA. (Hozzáférés: 2019. május 3.)
  57. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  58. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  59. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  60. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  61. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  62. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  63. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  64. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  65. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  66. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  67. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  68. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  69. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  70. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  71. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  72. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  73. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  74. LAOS: Electricity Facts. (Hozzáférés: 2018. december 17.)
  75. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  76. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  77. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  78. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  79. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  80. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  81. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  82. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  83. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  84. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  85. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  86. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  87. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  88. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  89. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  90. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  91. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  92. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  93. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  94. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  95. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  96. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  97. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  98. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  99. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  100. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  101. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  102. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  103. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  104. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  105. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  106. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  107. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  108. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  109. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  110. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  111. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  112. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  113. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  114. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  115. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  116. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  117. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  118. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  119. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  120. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  121. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  122. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  123. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  124. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  125. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  126. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  127. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  128. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  129. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  130. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  131. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  132. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  133. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  134. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  135. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  136. DUKES 2018 Chapter 6: Renewable sources of energy. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  137. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  138. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  139. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  140. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  141. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  142. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  143. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)
  144. Renewable Electricity Capacity And Generation Statistics June 2018. (Hozzáférés: 2018. november 27.)