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Szerkesztő:Trinity Rock Band

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Trinity is a Romanian heavy metal band formed by Tanko Zsolt in 2012.The band is now in work on there album called "6/6/666"

Tanko Zsolt was searching the perfect members for the band and he went to the ex szimbiozis lead guitar player Czika Gellert and join forces and search for the others.the time past by and Siklodi Arpika,Borsos Zsolt and Antal Abel joined the band and they start to work on the record


1.1.Guest members


2.1.Studio albums



Gall Hunor - vocals

Antal Abel - guitar

Czika Gellert - guitar

Borsos Zsolt - drums

Siklodi Arpika - Bass

1.1.Guest members

Czika Heni - volcas


2013 - 6/6/666

2.1.Studio albums

6/6/666 - 2013


Day of the dead - 2012

Flame of the dead - 2013

Black rose - 2013