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Fájl:Insect-exmpla of Bad Focus.jpg

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Compare - in this image of a butterfly, you can nicely see how the butterfly is sharp, and the background and foreground are blurred.

This image is destroyed by combination of shallow depth of field and bad focus. Here, the plane in focus is somewhere behind the rear legs of the grass-hopper. The d.o.f. is shallow, so only rear legs are sharp.

Correct way: the whole grass-hopper would be in focus. This could have been achieved, if the plane of focus was slightly behind the head of the animal, and the depth of field would be bigger. Another still good possibility would be to have focus on its head, and the rear legs would end up a bit blurry.

Human vision is naturally attracted to head and eyes of people and animals, so if you don't know what to focus on, the eyes are usually safe selection.

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English: Example of picture with bad focus.
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Szerző User:Wikimol


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29. december 2005


Kattints egy időpontra, hogy a fájl akkori állapotát láthasd.

aktuális2006. július 1., 09:52Bélyegkép a 2006. július 1., 09:52-kori változatról2 048 × 1 536 (1,13 MB)Wikimolthumb|right|Compare - in this image of a butterfly, you can nicely see how the butterfly is sharp, and the background and foreground are blurred. This image is destroyed by combination of shallow depth of field and bad

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