Then I opened the file in a text editor to edit the line colors and linestyles, as per this descriptionarchivált másolatat the Wayback Machine. This avoids needing to open in proprietary software, and really isn't that difficult (especially if you don't know the commands in the proprietary software either). ;-) Identify the lines easily by their color (the arrow is currently magenta and I want it to be black. Ah, there is the entry with 1 0 1, red + blue = magenta) or by using the gnuplot linestyle−1. (For instance, gnuplot's linestyle 3 corresponds to the ps file's /LT2.) Then you can edit the colors and dashes by hand. I changed the original:
Enter 500 under Resolution (it doesn't say "DPI" but I think that's what it means)
Uncheck Try bounding box (since the bounding box cuts off the edge, unfortunately. You can try with the bounding box first.)
Enter large values for Width and Height
Check Color
Check Strong anti-aliasing for both graphics and text
Crop off extra whitespace (Shift+C if you can't find it in the toolbox)
Possibly need to rotate it: Click Image → Transform → Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
Filters → Blur → Gaussian blur at 2.0 px (No need to blur if you use strong anti-aliasing during conversion. I see no significant difference between end results.)
Image → Scale Image...
Width and Height at 25%
Cubic interpolation
You can view at normal size if you want by pressing 1, Ctrl+E
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Ez a fájl szabadon másolható, terjeszthető és/vagy módosítható a GNU Szabad Dokumentációs Licenc feltételei alapján, az 1.2 vagy későbbi, a Free Software Foundation által publikált Nem Változtatható szakaszok, Címlapszövegek és Hátlapszövegek nélküli változat szerint. E licenc egy példánya a GNU Szabad Dokumentációs Licenc című fejezetben olvasható. Free Documentation Licensetruetrue
A mű a fenti licencek bármelyike szerint felhasználható.
(In short, this means that you can copy and modify the image freely as long as you provide attribution; preferably in the form of a link back to this page.)
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