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[[Fájl:Кольская сверхглубокая скважина crop.jpg|thumb|275px|Kolai szupermély fúrás, 2007]]
A '''Finnugor Néprajzi Park''' a [[Göcseji Falumúzeum]] területén létesített szabadtéri kiállítás, mely a finnugor népek lakóépületeivel, gazdasági épületeivel, kultikus építményeivel, berendezéseivel és a mindennapi élet kellékeivel foglalkozik. A kiállítás gondolata a Falumúzeum fennállásának harmincadik évfordulóján, 1989-ben vetődött fel, az első épületek átadása 2001-ben történt meg.
[[File:Кольская сверхглубокая скважина crop.jpg|thumb|275px|Kola Superdeep Borehole, 2007]]
The '''Kola Superdeep Borehole''' ({{lang-ru|Кольская сверхглубокая скважина}}) is the result of a [[scientific drilling]] project of the former [[USSR]]. The project attempted to drill as deep as possible into the [[Crust (geology)|Earth's crust]]. Drilling began on 24 May 1970 on the [[Kola Peninsula]], using the ''Uralmash-4E'', and later the ''Uralmash-15000'' series drilling rig. A number of [[borehole]]s were drilled by branching from a central hole. The deepest, SG-3, reached {{convert|12261|m}} in 1989, and remains the deepest hole ever drilled.<ref>{{cite web | title=Kola Superdeep Borehole (KSDB) | work=ICDP | url= | accessdate=2009-04-08}}</ref> The longest hole ever drilled is the {{convert|12290|m|abbr=on}} [[Maersk]] Oil BD-04A well at Al-Shaheen field in Qatar.<ref>{{cite web | title=Maersk Oil finished Drilling (BD-04A) well at Al-Shaheen field, Qatar | work=Gulf Oil & Gas Marketplace | url= | date=23 May 2008 | accessdate=2009-04-08}}</ref>

A múzeum az alábbi részekre oszlik: komi, udmurt, mari, mordbin, észt, finn, manysi és hanti terület. Figyelemreméltó épületek a mari bekerített gerendaház, a finn zsellérház és az obi-ugor (hanti és manysi) szálláshelyek, gazdasági és kultikus épületek.
The initial target depth was set at {{convert|15000|m|abbr=on}}. On 6 June 1979, the world depth record held by the [[Bertha Rogers]] hole in [[Washita County, Oklahoma]] at {{convert|9583|m|abbr=on}}<ref>{{cite web | title=The KTB Borehole—Germany’s Superdeep Telescope into the Earth’s Crust | work=Oilfield Review | url= | format=PDF | accessdate=2009-04-08}}</ref> was broken. In 1983, the drill passed {{convert|12000|m|abbr=on}}, and drilling was stopped for about a year to celebrate the event.<ref name="NiZ"/> This idle period may have contributed to a break-down on 27 September 1984: after drilling to {{convert|12066|m|abbr=on}}, a {{convert|5000|m|abbr=on}} section of drillpipe twisted off and was left in the hole. Drilling was later restarted from {{convert|7000|m|abbr=on}}.<ref name="NiZ">{{cite web | author=A. Osadchy | title=Legendary Kola Superdeep | url= | work=Наука и жизнь (Journal of Science and Life) | language=Russian | date=no. 5, 2002 | accessdate=2009-04-08}}</ref> The hole reached {{convert|12262|m|abbr=on}} in 1989. In that year the hole depth was expected to reach {{convert|13500|m|abbr=on}} by the end of 1990 and {{convert|15000|m|abbr=on}} by 1993.<ref>''Kola Superdeep is in the Guinness Book of World Records'', ''Zemlya i Vselennaya'', 1989, no. 3, p.9 {{ru icon}}</ref> However, due to higher than expected temperatures at this depth and location, {{convert|180|°C|°F|0}} instead of expected {{convert|100|°C|°F|0}}, drilling deeper was deemed unfeasible and the drilling was stopped in 1992.<ref name="NiZ" /> With the expected further increase in temperature with increasing depth, drilling to {{convert|15000|m|abbr=on}} would have meant working at a projected {{convert|300|°C|°F|-1}}, at which the drill bit would no longer work.

== Képgaléria ==
The Kola borehole penetrated about a third through the Baltic [[continental crust]], presumed to be around {{convert|35|km|mi|0}}, exposing rocks 2.7 billion years old at the bottom.{{Fact|date=April 2009}} The project has been a site of extensive [[Geophysics|geophysical]] studies. The stated areas of study were the deep structure of the [[Baltic Shield]]; [[seismic]] discontinuities and the thermal regime in the Earth's crust; the physical and chemical composition of the deep crust and the transition from upper to lower crust; lithospheric geophysics; and to create and develop technologies for deep geophysical study.

To scientists, one of the more fascinating findings to emerge from this well is that the change in seismic velocities was not found at a boundary marking Jeffreys' hypothetical transition from [[granite]] to [[basalt]]; it was at the bottom of a layer of [[metamorphic rock]] that extended from about 5 to 10 kilometers beneath the surface. The rock there had been thoroughly fractured and was saturated with water, which was surprising. This water, unlike surface water, must have come from deep-crust minerals and had been unable to reach the surface because of a layer of [[Permeability (fluid)|impermeable]] rock.<ref>{{cite web | author=Alan Bellows | title=The Deepest Hole | url= | work=Damn Interesting | date=5 March 2007 | accessdate=2009-04-08}}</ref>
Fájl:Mari-haz.JPG|Mari ház
Fájl:Hanti-kult.JPG|Hanti kultikus kamra
Fájl:Hanti-szallas.JPG|Hanti szálláshely

Another unexpected discovery was the large quantity of [[hydrogen]] gas, with the mud flowing out of the hole described as "boiling" with hydrogen.<ref>{{cite conference | author=G.J. MacDonald | year=1988 | title=Major Questions About Deep Continental Structures | booktitle=Deep drilling in crystalline bedrock, v. 1 | editor=A. Bodén and K.G. Eriksson | publisher=Springer-Verlag | location=Berlin | pages=28-48 | isbn=3540189955}}</ref>

==Current Status==
[[File:Soviet Union stamp 1987 CPA 5892.jpg|thumb|right|175px|Kola Superdeep Borehole, commemorated on the 1987 [[USSR]] stamp]]
The site is currently controlled by the State Scientific Enterprise on Superdeep Drilling and Complex Investigations in the Earth's Interior (GNPP Nedra) as the Deep Geolaboratory. {{As of|2003}}, the deepest active bore, SG-5, is {{convert|8578|m|abbr=on}} and with a {{convert|214|mm|abbr=on}} diameter.{{Fact|date=February 2009}}

==Other projects==
The United States embarked on a similar project in 1957, dubbed [[Project Mohole]], which was intended to penetrate the shallow crust under the [[Pacific Ocean]] off [[Mexico]]. However, after some initial drilling, the project was abandoned in 1966 due to lack of funding. This failure inspired great successes of the [[Deep Sea Drilling Project]], [[Ocean Drilling Program]], and the present [[Integrated Ocean Drilling Program]].

==See also==
* [[Mohorovičić discontinuity]]
* [[Project Mohole]]
* [[Chikyu Hakken]], deep oceanic drilling program
* [[Integrated Ocean Drilling Program]]
* [[San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth]]
* [[Earthscope]]
* [[Well to Hell hoax]]

* Fuchs, K., Kozlovsky, E.A., Krivtsov, A.I., and Zoback, M.D. (Eds.) (1990) ''Super-Deep Continental Drilling and Deep Geophysical Sounding''. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 436 pp.
* Kozlovsky, Ye.A. (Ed.) (1987) ''The Superdeep Well of the Kola Peninsula''. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 558 pp.


==External links==
*[ Official Kola Superdeep Borehole website (in Russian)]
*[ The World's Deepest Hole - Alaska Science Forum - July 1985]
*{{cite web|first=Adam|last=Cassino|title= Depth of the Deepest Drilling|work=The Physics Factbook|year=2003|url=}}
* [ The Deepest Hole] [[June 20]] [[2006]]

[[Category:Structure of the Earth]]
[[Category:Murmansk Oblast]]
[[Category:Science and technology in Russia]]
[[Category:Science and technology in the Soviet Union]]

== Forrás ==
== Forrás ==

* Obi-Ugrians - kiállítási ismertető füzet
* Finn zsellérház - kiállítási ismertető füzet
* Mari fenced household - kiállítási ismertető füzet
== Külső hivatkozások ==
== Külső hivatkozások ==
* [ A Göcseji Falumúzeum honlapja]
* []
* [ Magyarország-utazás]

[[ar:بئر كولا العميق]]
[[da:Kola superdybe borehul]]
[[Kategória:Magyarország múzeumai]]
[[en:Kola Superdeep Borehole]]
[[es:Pozo Superprofundo Kola]]
[[fa:چاه حفاری کولا]]
[[fr:Forage sg3]]
[[gu:કોલા હોલ]]
[[it:Pozzo superprofondo di Kola]]
[[nl:Superdiep boorgat van Kola]]
[[no:Det superdype borehullet på Kolahalvøya]]
[[ro:Gaura de foraj de la Kola]]
[[ru:Кольская сверхглубокая скважина]]
[[th:Kola Superdeep Borehole]]

A lap 2009. október 7., 08:53-kori változata

Kolai szupermély fúrás, 2007


Külső hivatkozások