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Sablon:Newage Sablon:Bronze Transcendental Meditation™ (known popularly as TM™) is a meditation technique invented by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. TM teaches that by meditating and mentally chanting a silent "mantra", several levels of "higher consciousness" can be reached. Which of course is a big odorous pile of feces. Eventually, the brainwashed victim is supposed to attain "cosmic consciousness," then "god consciousness," and finally "unity consciousness."

Despite the veneer of spirituality, and widespread comparisons to New Religious Movements, most adherents of TM methods maintain that the movement is not based on any type of faith or religion, and it can be practiced alongside other spiritual beliefs without incongruity. However, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has also described TM as "a path to God."

The Beatles[szerkesztés]

The Maharishi is famous for, briefly, being the personal guru for The Beatles, until their well-publicized falling out. John Lennon wrote the song "Sexy Sadie" about him ("you made a fool of everyone..."). Reportedly, taking up TM got The Beatles to give up marijuana and LSD (briefly), and they promptly headed for India to study under their new guru, only to return denouncing the supposedly celibate Maharishi as a womanizer and a fake. "Unity consciousness," for the Maharishi, apparently also involved getting into some hot young British actresses' undergarments for a little "transcendence". This did not prevent Lennon from shortly moving on to another guru, Arthur Janov of primal scream therapy fame.

Luckily, their brief sojourn in India was a prolific period of songwriting, during which most of the songs for "the white album" (The Beatles) were written.

Oh, wait, this article is about some Indian lech, not the Beatles. But would anyone even care, had not they become involved with him those short months in early 1968?

Yogic flying[szerkesztés]

The so called "yogic flying" is supposedly also possible through TM-SIDHI program and they really mean flying—though unfortunately all the photos and videos only show people hopping around on mats while seated in the lotus position. They actually Think a so called sutra, something like that "(I am) lighter than a piece of match stick", and on skin control impulse, or other sense change they start to hop. [1][2]

Vedic Architecture[szerkesztés]

The TM movement also promotes "Vedic Architecture," which holds that the layout and direction of a building can have positive or negative effects on its inhabitants.[3] Specifically, its adherents believe that buildings should only face east (or in a pinch, north). Any other direction (especially south) invites bad "energies," and can even propagate criminal behavior. Naturally, no rational explanation is offered as to how these "energies" can be measured and verified, or even the mechanism by which these energies would know what side of the house one's door is on. It appears to be the Indian equivalent of feng shui.

Natural Law Party[szerkesztés]

Not to be left out of the wacky world of fringe third-party politics, TM buffs in the United States started the Natural Law Party in 1992. The Natural Law Party's ostensible purpose was to propose and implement "scientific" solutions of all our societal woes. However, their real solution of every single issue? Transcendental Meditation, of course! Very funny. Unsurprisingly, they were never able to get anyone elected dog catcher, much less to "higher" public office, and they finally had a flash of cosmic consciousness reality and disbanded the party in 2004. Party leader (and perennial presidential candidate) John Hagelin[4] then went on to form something called the "United States Peace Government," which almost nobody has heard of, and fewer still care about.

In the late 1990s, Hagelin (who was considered a serious quantum physicist before he went nuts) offered the services of 7000 yogic flyers to create enough positive vibes[5] to end the war in Kosovo, and also unsuccessfully challenged Patrick Buchanan for the Reform Party presidential nomination in 2000. Our friends to the North have also had to deal with the Natural Law Party; their most famous candidate was the late Doug Henning. Yes, that Doug Henning, the hippie magician you may remember from Sesame Street, ran for the Canadian House of Commons in 1993 but failed to win.[6]

Religious/Cultic nature[szerkesztés]

There are assertions that people who become heavily involved in TM end up in a destructive mind-control cult.

Transcendental Meditation's mantras are all Hindu prayers. The TM trainers lie to the people when they say, "the mantra is nothing more just a sound that you repeat more and more silently in meditation"

All the TM movement's celebration etc are strictly Hindu. Practically all TM members are converted to Hindu without their own approval. TM movement violates the first Amendment.

Combining religion with successive self termination methods (also makes self hypnotic states), causes very serious mental problems and illnesses.(see at pseudo science)



The Transcendental Meditation movement publishes scores of "peer-reviewed" articles in minor journals attempting to prove the medical benefits and crime-prevention of their seated chanting. These researches are all scientifically invalid, and purposefully made for the public to believe the Guru's lies. These don't stand minimal scientific standard (for example they don't feature double blind tests)

Studies show that there are, however , no benefits beyond standard relaxation techniques. Unexpectedly many other research tells the unfortunate truth that it is much worse. The German Highest Court ordered valid research stated:

4.6.6 In 76% of cases psychological disorders and illnesses occurred,9% of meditators had therapeutic treatment before the TM phase, 43% had psychiatric treatment or had to have medical treatment during the TM phase. The psychological disorders most prevalent were tiredness (63%), states of anxiety (52%), depression (45%), nervousness (39%), and regression (39%). 26% had a nervous breakdown and 20% expressed serious suicidal tendencies. Psychological illness already present before the TM phase worsened considerably.

Independent observers tells: Screaming, shocked people, mentally destabilized leaders, sexually extremely borderless people (sex at restaurant table, sex in so called flying hall etc.), suicides, regular police calls, violence, regular crimes.

They also run an accredited university, the (PMaharishi University of Management). Meditation classes are a required part of the curriculum there.

Tm movement call their trainees "teachers". They have absolutely no training related to teaching (4 years university training and field work practice required).

New type of terrorism?[szerkesztés]

Because of its religious strictness (everything is based on that), and the mental violence that connects to it , all the fear and illnesses and all the lies (why would they lie if so peaceful?) , Transcendental Meditation movement is more like a mental terrorist organization than just a cult.

Maharishi, often expressed extreme nationalist, fascist, religious extremist thoughts. (only tmers good people, only tm movement does good, only tm meditation is good, only indian system is good etc. These all while followers are in self hypnotic states) Very well organized, its purposes - based on their actions - are obvious, infiltrate the enemy nation and implement the TM technique, try to control and destabilize the nation. Poison the nation with ayurvedic medicines, (ayurvedic medicines were artificially contaminated with metal, heavy metal because of religious reasons (some of them contained more than 20 000 times more than the maximum allowed)). Make the nation extremely dumb with TM, change their religion, get into military, education, health care.

The reasons for mental terrorism is complex. Their excuse: the British 300 years of occupation, the poverty and the suffering of the nation. From the religious side: Hindu religion always were so pushy, they are the world largest religious community. They are the "source of all religion". They are the most under educated and inhuman (see the rapes, and judges today) religion on earth!

The incredible business with TM, deeksha, theta healing, ayurveda, sthapatya veda etc likely funded the Indian military buildup. It seems that the very peaceful Hindu nation suddenly built up one of the world's largest army, with more than 120+ nuclear weapon.


External links[szerkesztés]
