Ugrás a tartalomhoz

Szerkesztő:Ralesk/hu us intl

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Telepítési javaslat: a /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/hu fájl végére másolni az alábbi szösszenetet.

// US-international alike Hungarian layout
// More or less the same as the one I use on Windows
// by Henrik Pauli  henrik (0x002E) pauli (0x0040) gmail (0x002E) com
// Version 0.2 2006-10-18
//  • No changes, dead keys work — must have been an issue
//    with some bleeding-edge packages I was using on my box.
// Version 0.1 2006-08-08 Initial Release
//  • All keys present, some rearranged.
//  • No dead-keys for some reason :(
// This keyboard layout is licensed under the CC-BY-SA-2.5 licence, visit to read more about it
// Please send fixes, modification considerations, wishlists to the e-mail address listed above.

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "hu_us_intl" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungary - 102/qwerty/US International";
    include "latin"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"

    key <TLDE>  { [     grave,  asciitilde,         dead_cedilla,           0x01002248 ]        }; // AltGr-Shift: Approximately symbol
    key <AE01>  { [         1,      exclam,           dead_tilde,           exclamdown ]        };
    key <AE02>  { [         2,          at,           dead_caron,           0x0100201E ]        }; // AltGr-Shift: Low-99 quotation mark
    key <AE03>  { [         3,  numbersign,      dead_circumflex,            plusminus ]        };
    key <AE04>  { [         4,      dollar,             currency,             sterling ]        };
    key <AE05>  { [         5,     percent,       dead_abovering,             EuroSign ]        };
    key <AE06>  { [         6, asciicircum,          dead_ogonek,           dead_breve ]        };
    key <AE07>  { [         7,   ampersand,           dead_grave,           dead_acute ]        };
    key <AE08>  { [         8,    asterisk,        dead_abovedot,           0x01002042 ]        }; // AltGr-Shift: Asterism
    key <AE09>  { [         9,   parenleft,  leftsinglequotemark,  leftdoublequotemark ]        };
    key <AE10>  { [         0,  parenright, rightsinglequotemark, rightdoublequotemark ]        };
    key <AE11>  { [     minus,  underscore,               endash,               emdash ]        }; // minus = 0x002D hyphen-minus
    key <AE12>  { [     equal,        plus,             multiply,             division ]        };

    key <AD01>  { [            q,          Q,     adiaeresis, Adiaeresis ]      };
    key <AD02>  { [            w,          W,          aring,      Aring ]      };
    key <AD03>  { [            e,          E,         eacute,     Eacute ]      };
    key <AD04>  { [            r,          R,     registered,  trademark ]      };
    key <AD05>  { [            t,          T,          thorn,      THORN ]      };
    key <AD06>  { [            y,          Y,     udiaeresis, Udiaeresis ]      };
    key <AD07>  { [            u,          U,         uacute,     Uacute ]      };
    key <AD08>  { [            i,          I,         iacute,     Iacute ]      };
    key <AD09>  { [            o,          O,         oacute,     Oacute ]      };
    key <AD10>  { [            p,          P,     odiaeresis, Odiaeresis ]      };
    key <AD11>  { [  bracketleft,  braceleft,     0x010000AB,   NoSymbol ]      }; // AltGr: Double left angle bracket
    key <AD12>  { [ bracketright, braceright,     0x010000BB,   NoSymbol ]      }; // AltGr: Double right angle bracket

    key <AC01>  { [          a,          A,       aacute,       Aacute ]        };
    key <AC02>  { [          s,          S,       ssharp,      section ]        };
    key <AC03>  { [          d,          D,          eth,          ETH ]        };
    key <AC04>  { [          f,          F,     NoSymbol,     NoSymbol ]        };
    key <AC05>  { [          g,          G,     NoSymbol,     NoSymbol ]        };
    key <AC06>  { [          h,          H, udoubleacute, Udoubleacute ]        };
    key <AC07>  { [          j,          J,           ij,           IJ ]        };
    key <AC08>  { [          k,          K,      lstroke,      Lstroke ]        };
    key <AC09>  { [          l,          L, odoubleacute, Odoubleacute ]        };
    key <AC10>  { [  semicolon,      colon,    paragraph,       degree ]        };
    key <AC11>  { [ apostrophe,   quotedbl,   0x01002032,   0x01002033 ]        }; // AltGr: Prime; AltGr-Shift: Double prime
    key <BKSL>  { [  backslash,        bar,      notsign,   0x010000A6 ]        }; // AltGr-Shift: broken bar

    key <LSGT>  { [ 0x01002010,  0x01002212,   0x010000A0,       NoSymbol ]     }; // Normal: Hyphen; Shift: Minus; AltGr: NBSP
    key <AB01>  { [          z,           Z,           ae,             AE ]     };
    key <AB02>  { [          x,           X,   0x01002020,     0x01002021 ]     }; // AltGr: Dagger; AltGr-Shift: Double dagger
    key <AB03>  { [          c,           C,    copyright,           cent ]     };
    key <AB04>  { [          v,           V,     NoSymbol,       NoSymbol ]     };
    key <AB05>  { [          b,           B,          eng,            ENG ]     };
    key <AB06>  { [          n,           N,       ntilde,         Ntilde ]     };
    key <AB07>  { [          m,           M,           mu,     0x01002022 ]     }; // AltGr-Shift: Bullet
    key <AB08>  { [      comma,        less,       oslash,       Ooblique ]     };
    key <AB09>  { [     period,     greater,   0x01002026,     0x01002027 ]     }; // AltGr: Horizontal ellipsis; AltGr-Shift: Centered dot
    key <AB10>  { [      slash,    question,   0x0100203D,   questiondown ]     }; // AltGr: Interrobang
